Mr Krax - Video clips

”I’m just an ordinary chap producing but another piece of crap"


Be kind to your fellow humans, no matter if it’s your lover or someone else!


A sneak peek from the song collection Zebra Krax. And yes, it is That Crossing!


Who listens to the radio anyway?


Captain is a song from the collection ”Krax the Schwilly”.

Released February 2018.


Another year? Well, it depends on when you start counting. In fact each day marks the beginning of a new year since the same day the year before...

Released in September 2017.


In October 2016 Mr Krax reflects about voting due to the upcoming election in the United States.

Vote for the 18th Century Rhythm Bag Man!


In Februari 2016 Mr Krax and his wife went on a trip to Singapore and Malaysia. It ended with some relaxing days on the island of Langkawi.

Here is the result - Sunset over Langkawi.


Mr Krax is the first song collection by Mr Krax. It was released in November 2001.

In January 2016 it’s time for it to go digital.


A Kraxmas Song is a Christmas time reminder of how things should be according to Mr Krax.


Kraxsamples is the fifth song collection to be released digitally. All in all it’s the 18th song collection by Mr Krax. This one was released in November 2015.


2015 it was fifty years since a baby girl was born. She was my sister Kerstin. At the age of forty-seven she lost her fight against cancer. This is an excerpt from the song Fortyseven which  is written in her honor. The full song is included in the song collection Kraxsamples by Mr Krax.


May 2015 called for some Further Krax! 

The song ”The first time” included here  is the very first song by PB written in august 1964.

This song collection was first released in 2012.


In March 2015  A Krax in Universe was the third song collection by Mr Krax to be available digitally. It was first released in 2009. 




December 2014 saw a new song collection coming. This one is called Krax the Radio.



In december 2013 Mr Krax released the first song collection with digital distribution. It was called These Krax. 

Due to a change of distributor it has been rereleased in January 2015. Same content!


© Pierre Blom