Life is what happens to us all. A great subject for songs - songs about life!
With a foundation of music from The Swinging 60s, spiced up with influences from various styles of music, Mr Krax gives you songs about life. This is music that pops and rocks with a funky blues twist! It comes from the mind of probably one of the best songwriters that no one cares about… Learn more here.
From 2013 Mr Krax is available in the digital market. As of today there are 32 song collections in full length out there and still more to come. There are also a couple of singles and EPs.
Visit the digital music provider of your choice and search for Mr Krax!
2015 the first song collection in Swedish language was released digitally. When singing in Swedish he calls himself Herr Krax.
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To close off 2024 we celebrated that it’s 60 years since the boy who came to be Mr Krax wrote his first song. With well over 1200 songs in the files today there are some to choose from. The result is the new song collection ”60 Years of Krax”.
In order to present a more complete story we have made an extended playlist for you! Each year is represented by one song except 1964. The very first song was already released so it’s included here as song number one. A few of the songs are instrumental.
As you may notice there are missing years and that is because there were no new songs written during 12 years, the gap is between songs 22 and 23.
Towards the end of the 1970s fewer new songs were written and most of them were in Swedish. These are performed by Herr Krax, the Swedish incarnation of Mr Krax.
Orange Krax is a collection of 13 songs that have something to say. Watch the lyrics video Orange Man here.
The final item from the huge back catalogue, Krax of an Old Git, was released during the summer of 2024.
Opus X was written mainly in 1974 in an unusual form with two parts just short of twenty minutes. These are not regular songs as we are used to but bits and pieces of interwoven song fragments that move the story forward, if you will. These are preceded with an instrumental Prelude for Church Organ and Rock Band! This whole thing is far from the contemporary way of making music. Demanding but perhaps rewarding!